Welcome to the online chat application,Online chat application, a social application where you can play, entertain, share your diaries, and find new friends1- Features within the application ->2- Registration option: You can register a membership and log in again to save and use your account within the application again3- Rooms: There are many rooms for general conversation with those in the chat4- Private: You can talk privately in complete confidentiality, and you can also lock the private message to not receive private messages5- Alerts: You can send alerts to those present, and you can also close alerts so that alerts do not occur automatically.6- Personal Profile: You can create your own personal profile by adding a photo, name, and status, and you can also like other profiles.7- Posts: You can post posts, photos, and interact with other posts8- Settings: You can modify your data, name, color, and personal photo from the settings8- Change your password: You can change your password when you forget it9- Those who are online: All those who are present in the chat appear in the online list -> Green means active-> Orange color means far from the device-> Red means your phone is locked- Disclaimer ->- It is strictly prohibited to mention any other chat application name within the application- It is strictly prohibited to discuss religious, political and sectarian conversations- It is prohibited to enter using inappropriate names or uttering offensive words- Security and privacy ->An online chat application that protects your privacy and data and prevents their leakageWe only get your IP to know which country you are entering from and to block you when you offend someone